Learning To Talk Not Yell: 3 Ways to Talk to Progressive Christians


I remember sitting in the pews of churches hearing the pastor talk about ideas like homosexuality and liberal Christianity that I was going to meet in college. I remember being warned against their ideas and that they were the enemy, powers of darkness.

I don’t think my pastor’s purpose was to make me look at people that thought differently as less than human, but that is what I walked away with. I was afraid of college professors that taught philosophy. Gay people were more sinful than I was.

It took me a long time to reorient my thoughts and to recognize that I was a sinner needing grace just as much as the people I demonized. This can be very difficult if you do not know anyone that is apart of the LGBTQIA+ community or intellectuals that are not Christians. This also goes for progressive Christians.

3 Ways to Talk…

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20 Powerful Bible Verses to Help Motivate You

Life is hard, and actually, we are not meant to go through life all on our own. These verses remind us that God has a plan, and He is powerful enough and loving enough to carry us through! From Crosswalk. ……..

Play-Doh, Flannelgraphs, and Teaching Kids Biblical Theology

For those of you with children, I believe this is a helpful and insightful article on the importance of tying the stories of the Bible together so that your kids will begin to learn about the one Great Story the Bible is telling. From Crossway……………..


I have been drawn to learn about and spend more time with books of the Old Testament thaat tend to be ignored or forgotten in our churches. And Malachi is one of those books. Here is an interesting article that argues for the importance of studying the Book of Malachi. From HistoricalTheology.org……………………


Handel’s Messiah and the Secret of Advent

One of the emotional and spiritual highlights of my life has been the occasions that I had the pleasure of singing Handel’s Messiah in a community choir and a number of community sing-alongs of this great choral masterpiece. Here a Christian music scholar goes into the some detail about what Handel accomplished with this musical/spiritual composition. The video embedded in the article is worth the price of admission alone! From Alleluia!…………