Your Personal Relationship with God Matters — Dallas Willard

Your Personal Relationship with God Matters

When people ask, “Why are you hopeful in the midst of this world, with all of the suffering and evil that goes on and all of the things that are happening to you?” they don’t want to hear merely about a great God. They don’t want to hear merely about redemptive history, an infallible book, or a covenant people who are a constant testimony to the real hand of God in history. They want to know what’s happening to you, what’s going on in your life. You are saying, “He is my fortress, he is my deliverer.” So they’re going to want to know when the last time he delivered you was. What does deliverance mean? How does this really work? Sharing the good news is often about sharing the personal good news of your life in Christ and not the abstract and generalized good news. They want to hear about your personal relationship to this personal God, who is the foundation of all of reality.

From The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus. Copyright © 2015 by Dallas Willard. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Sometimes the Best Explanation Is ‘Forgive Me’

When we are confronted by another for an obvious sin toward them — like speaking harshly to a spouse or child — rather than give excuses and explanation, this article submits we should rather say, “Please forgive me.” From blogger Tanner Kay………………………..

How Can I Love the Bible When All I See Are Commands I Haven’t Obeyed?

If a follower of Jesus happens to be OCD regarding their salvation, or if they attend a legalistic church, then reading the Bible might be hard and depressing. But this brief article reminds believers that it is primarily through Scripture that they can become familiar with Jesus Christ, and then grow to see that God is loving and kind and merciful. From……………………….

3 Lessons From the Feeding of the 5000

This article does a great job in pulling together some lessons and insights from the miracle of feeding the 5000, mentioned in all of the gospels. From Stephen Bedard………

A sermon based on Luke 9:10-17 preached at Queen Street Baptist Church. Introduction How do we know when someone really means something? Usually they will repeat a statement more than once. Obviously it would be good if we took things seriously the first time. Unfortunately that doesn’t always happen. If I say something to my children […]

Source: 3 Lessons From the Feeding of the 5000